There are a few things that you should know around the house in case of emergency. This will also help you get the house set up if you are there in the off season. The house is shut down in the winter to save on heating costs and the water is turned off to prevent freezing. If you are here in the summer, all of this is maintained by the rental gency, so there is no need for you to worry.
Turn On/Off the Water
The water shut off value is located in the maintenance closet in the front entryway of the house.
Inside the closet is the hot water heater on the left and on the floor of the closet to the right of the hot water heater is the shut off valve.
If the handle is pointing up (like it is in this picture) the water is on. Turn it 90 degrees to the right (toward the 3 on a clock) to turn it off.
Turn On/Off the Water Heater
This is actually an electrical thing, not a water thing. The electrical panel for the water heater is located on the right wall of the staircase.
The water heater is located on switches 10/12. Flip the switch to the right to turn it off. This will prevent the hot water heater from burning itself out when the water is off.
The trash and recycling goes in the cans in the front of the driveway. Trash is removed on Mondays and Fridays. Recycling is removed on Wednesdays.